Neither of us said anymore for a bit.
I'm a deep thinker, and a big worrier, always have been. I was thinking to myself, what a blessing it is to be sitting next to your best friend just enjoying life. Then my worry kicked in. What if one of us gets sick? What if one of us doesn't live to the retirement years? I've seen unexpected death. Thomas died at the age of 6, so anything can happen. It just made me realize, life is so short. Life is so unrehearsed. Life is cruel, and life is wonderful. What would I do without him by my side?
So my thought on this day? Really try to focus on the now. Focus on what is important. I've come to the conclusion, I need to worry less about what other people think of me. I only need to worry about my family, and my husband. That is what's important. If we are in harmony with each other, life is wonderful. I will try to remember, life can be taken away from you at any minute. So be happy. Surprise the love of your life with laughter and companionship everyday. It is so worth it.