The Cost of Politics
Now that the election is over, I'm going to take a look at what cost it had on me personally.
I laid in bed this morning, thinking of how I've been affected by the last 9 months. What triggered this feeling was a post I saw yesterday on Facebook. It said, if you're reading this post, congratulations, we made it through, and are still friends. Think about that.....we are still friends. How many people actually lost a friend over this? I think a lot. But here's my story.
The past 9 months have made me reclusive, reserved, angry, lonely, less put together, more stressed out, less active, standoffish, quiet, and lastly, one friend less. Politics. She chose politics over a 50+ year friendship. It all happened in the beginning of this mess. All over a post on Facebook that she didn't agree with. It wasn't even my comment. It was a comment made on my post. I have talked with that person who made that comment, and basically, thanked her. She made me see from a different lens why losing that friendship was for the best.
Fifty years. That's a long time. That's a lot of secrets, a lot of memories, and a lot of my past that has now been erased and wiped clean. I have such an array of friends. I have democrat friends, republican friends, black friends, white friends, gay friends, christian friends, atheist friends, and I can honestly say, not many enemies at all. Would I give up any of those friendships because they thought differently than me? No. Why? Because I truly think that the Lord put every single one of those people in my life for a reason, and dropping them like a piece of nothing would not be the Godly thing to do. I adore my friendships. Now, more than ever, I treasure each and every one of them.
When I woke up the morning the morning of the "loss" (that's what I'll call it), I was completely shocked. I mean, seriously, shocked. I remained in shock for quite a while over it. I cried. A lot! It was probably one of the few, biggest losses, I've ever experienced. This was my chosen sister. I have no sister, yet she was the one who I truly thought was my sister. I have mourned the loss of her, of her family, and of all the memories we shared. When I say her family, because on top of her "deleting and blocking me" on Facebook, and on the phone, she had family members delete and block me as well. I texted her because I thought it had to be a mistake. I'm keeping the last text I sent to her on my phone. I want to be reminded of how I felt on that horrible day. This is word for word the last contact I've had with her.
I am shocked! Absolutely shocked and devastated that I am being treated like this from you for a comment someone else made on my post! Shocked!!! I have no words. Utterly shocked.
Apparently my sense of humor wasn't acceptable to her. My sense of humor is what makes me. My sense of humor has gotten me through the worst of times. My sense of humor has kept me afloat. My sense of humor is appreciated by most of my people. This is me. This is who I am. I'm not going to change how I act in front of anyone. You get what you see.
So that's as far as I'm going. Like I said, I've mourned this long enough. I wanted to put on paper how this personally affected me. This was the cost of politics to me personally.
The world problems are not over. The corona virus, the mask debate, and even the Trump/Biden war isn't over. I'm not going to change my beliefs, my opinions, or my sense of humor. I'm also not going to drop any of my friends or family over it. I'd like to think I'm a better person than that. Because when it's all over, what will really matter? Our relationships. Thank you for being a friend.