This past Halloween weekend we took Noah out for pizza in Whitewater. I was shocked at the amount of people already out and about partying at 4:30 in the afternoon! On our way to our favorite pizza spot, we avoided 2 piles of vomit on the sidewalk. Yuck. I guess I don't get the whole college scene, I never went to college. Wait, back up the train. No college? Nope. Crazy eh? Before you rush to judgement, let me explain.
I sometimes get self conscience about saying I didn't attend college. I did receive a scholarship to attend business school in Madison for becoming a court reporter, which was always my "dream job". Then I started working at a great job until something else happened....Jessica. Let me explain to you the college I attended, and continue to take.
We all make choices, and we have to live by those choices. I choose Motherhood. Do I regret this choice? Not a chance. I've given birth to 4 incredible kids. The lessons I've been taught from them is priceless, and would not be taught in a classroom. I commend everyone who goes to school, furthers their education, and makes the world a better place. But, we also need Mothers.
Jessica was my first. She taught me selflessness. Once you have a child, its no longer about "you". Your world is about that child. You can't be selfish. From that moment on, you are to care for, nurture, and make sure that child has a clear vision of what's ahead. I consider this my "freshman year".
Megan was second and the most challenging child. She was always teaching me patience. From the time she was in diapers, refusing to keep them on, I had to learn patience. I learned how to duct tape diapers on backwards, I learned early on how to control my temper. Having to call 911 because you think your 5 year old is missing is a horrible experience. But it was only Megan, hiding. She also taught me to laugh. Her mixture of humor infused with learning patience at the same time made her a complete joy! Now she is expecting her first child in March! I call this my "sophomore year".
Thomas was my third child. My hardest and most difficult "class" ever taken. This is a class I didn't sign up taking. Not many people take this class, and I almost failed at this class. But I passed, by the help of my family, and my faith. Thomas taught me loss. Learning how to deal with the loss of a child and how to go on is a tough lesson. With loss, he also taught me how to be strong. After that class I feel I can conquer anything. I call this my "junior year".
I'm now in my "senior year". Noah. This child was given to me as a gift. I know he was a gift. I never expected to have another child after Thomas. Noah translated means "comfort". He has brought me nothing but that. So, what has he taught me? I think I worked hard my freshman through Junior year and God is blessing me my Senior year. I'm coasting through my Senior year. Is that wrong? Yes, life is tough, busy, and sometimes out of control. But Noah is a blessing I cherish and take all the comfort he is given to me. So Noah is teaching me to slow down, enjoy this life that the Lord has given me as a Mom and provider for my kids. I may not have contributed to the world, but I've contributed to the lives of these 4 kids, and that makes me feel like I've earned the diploma I was made to have.
And guess what? In March I'm starting Grad School! I'm gonna be a Grandma.....
To all the stay at home proud of who you are! And to all the working Moms....I don't know how you do it, but the world needs a little bit of all of us.