Camouflage, Crocs, and Carhartt
For years there's been one battle in our household that I finally surrendered to.
I consider myself somewhat fashion conscience, so when we go out for a date or business dinner, I tend to help Mac along. I always suggest the "cool" jeans I've bought him, that honestly do look good on him. He'll come out of the bathroom wearing his "dark wash" carhartts. He assumes that the dark wash makes them stylish. I can't tell you how many disagreements we've had because of a pair of jeans! There's even been a few times that I fought the battle so much, that we ended up not going out!
I will purposely put the jeans I like on the top of the jeans pile, hoping he'll just slip them on. Nope. I can always tell when he's out to make me happy and wears them, but I seriously think its a "man" thing to not give in. He will say to me, "I don't tell you what to wear, so don't tell me what to wear", or "I'm a 40 year old man, I'll wear what I want!"
I get it. If he was a wimpy man he'd probably do as I say, but Mac is anything but wimpy, and will not do as I say! He wins, again.
Which brings me to the conclusion that I no longer pick out his clothes. Life has become much easier, and going out much less stressful. The most control I have with him, is ironing his shirt.
But hold on, I haven't given up just yet to this household of male dominance. Noah appreciates me putting all his clothes out neatly for him for the upcoming week. I can pick out whatever I want, and get no grief.
But then, camouflage became a problem. What is it about this fecal looking pattern that boys find so appealing? I understand if you're in the service, but everyday life? Who are you trying to hide from? Thank goodness his school has a dress code against camouflage, or I'd be destined for waving the white flag.
Now that Noah is getting older, I'm finding the same argument with him that I previously had with Mac. But I'm not competing with Carhartt, I'm competing with camouflage and crocs! I will admit, Crocs are awesome for a kid to wear on a farm, At then end of the day, there's always a hose to make them look new again. But when you get in the car for dinner, and say, "what is that smell?", you realize the barn shoes are on his feet. Not only that, but you see the camouflage top, shorts, sweatshirt, all of it.....camouflage.
He has said too me, "why can't I wear what I want to wear?" And so, it has begun with my 12 year old. Mac usually tells him, "do as your mother says, make her happy", which I laugh, because who is he kidding, sitting there in his dark wash carhartts?
So that's my story. I've a bit of control left, but I'm sure it is on the last year. There are some arguments not worth fighting, this being one of them. But if you see us out, please know, I tried to get them dressed for the occasion! Gotta love my farmer boys!