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Monday, July 31, 2017

Week 3.....REAL FACE TIME!

Sorry, we missed a know, gets a bit out of control and I get lost in it.

Did you do your Week 2 assignment? I sent a package to a family member with a handwritten note in it. I choose my brother Brian who lives in Indiana.....well worth the time and effort....its the little things!

So , are you like me and you find that Summer of 2017 is almost done? I am kinda depressed that it feels as if I haven't experienced Summer yet. August will be on the calendar tomorrow! I know it has a lot to do with the wedding, and the fact we haven't been on vacation yet. Hoping that changes in the next few weeks....I need to get outta here for awhile.

So what I'm planning on doing this week is a bit more "outta my box" type of assignment.

We all have "those close friends" on Facebook that we consider our close friend, yet, when is the last time you actually had a face to face conversation with them? Five, Ten, Twenty years???
I'm going to contact someone on my friend list that I haven't seen probably since high school! WHOA, tough one eh? I'm gonna do it. At least I'm going to contact this person and make plans for a coffee or wine date. This might be a tough one, but I'm hoping you're in! Wanna get some extra credit? Make a date with more than one person! Maybe a girls get-together? Let me know what you do!

Can't wait to share with you how it goes!

Until next week......get out there and make some REAL FACE TIME time!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Welcome to my Week 2 "Real Face Time" blog!

Did you do Week 1? Did you call up a neighbor and spend some time together? I did! It was awesome. I called up my friend Leslie. Her and I sat and had the best time! We even included our daughters! I went to bed that night feeling refreshed and our friendship renewed.

There's just something about face to face communication that a simple text can't relay. I highly encourage you to read last weeks post and start your own face to face assignment!

So what am I doing for Week 2? 

This week (and I'm sorry we're halfway through it already), I decided I was going to send a package to a family member with a handwritten letter/note card enclosed. The gift doesn't have to be an extravagant gift....just something that lets them know you're thinking of them. I chose my brother Brian, who lives in Indiana. I sent him a T-shirt that he had commented on, on Facebook, that he liked. I wrote a nice little card with it, telling him some mushy stuff and sent it off.

I got a phone call from him thanking me for the gift and nice card! Not a text, a phone call! Making progress here people!!

So, there ya go......Week 2.........Send a small package to a family member with a handwritten note. Are you in?

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Sometimes my mind just runs, far, far away. Yesterday I had an idea. I talked about my idea to Jessica and she thinks I'm onto something. So here goes.....

Over the summer we lose track of friends, schedules, and time. Facebook, Instagram, and all social media takes over our face to face interactions with people that we somehow feel we need to keep in touch with.

I've decided to make a schedule that will help ME (and maybe you too) stay in touch with people, re-connect with people, and give me the feel goods!

Each week I'll have an assignment for you to help YOU (and myself), stay in touch with people......I will tell you on the beginning of the week what your assignment is. Don't worry, it isn't going to be hard at all. You might have to get out of your box a bit, but isn't that what communication is all about?

I'd love to hear how your interactions are going. I'll be blogging about my assignments to you! I hope this helps you connect with old friends, new friends, and making real life relationships in a non-social media kind of way.

~This will be Week 1~ 

Call a neighbor that lives close, and invite them over for coffee, wine, or beverage of your choice!